Balise Auto

440 Hall Of Fame Avenue
Springfield MA 1105

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[fac_icon icon=”phone-square”] (413) 233-4668

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Balise Nissan Warwick, RI

Hello My name is Nicholas Golda, yesterday on June 5th, 2017 i was at Balise Nissan Of Rhode Island and i am currently looking at another lease on the nissan maxima. We came to an agreement on a deal. The sales people then wanted to go ahead with the paperwork which i thought was just the credit application for now. Then i was told i had to fill out all the paperwork to close the sale for them to be able to do it because they “had to locate the car”. I had no problem filling out the credit application or even leaving a deposit for the car. But i was not filling out all the paperwork to paper the deal untill my ass could sit in the seat of the car. They then told me that i should trust them that at any time you can back out of it if you don’t like something, but we can’t locate it unless you paper the whole deal. They went on and on about how they have to pay this one and that one. I work too i pay my bills the sameway everyone else does they don’t seem to care about that. I was disrespected treated like crap and was told to trust them but they could not trust me. That’s like asking someone to just sign the papers on a mortgage but they have not been in the house yet. I was willing to put a deposit down on the car to show i was taking the deal and when it came to the lot i look it over and would then paper the rest of the deal. But until my ass could sit in the seat i should not have to sign anything and i walked out the door they told me then if you walk the deals not going to be here.

8 years ago

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